Dual Occupancies + Townhouses

Maple Braddon

Project details

Builder: Antos Constructions

The site in Torrens Street created some wonderful challenges with the site facing two streets with North – East orientation being the primary frontages. This allowed us to utilise Solar design to achieve higher than minimum energy ratings for the majority of dwellings. The concept was to create 7 individual townhouses with their own garage and direct access to their apartment.

Amongst the dwellings two were designed to have lift access to all levels to allow flexible occupation for a range of ages. The designs of the development allows two separate areas front and rear of the dwellings which allows cross ventilation and natural light to all rooms within.

The design of the 2 storey townhouses was to have the main bedroom on the ground floor to allow for ease of usage and flexibility of lifestyle if single storey living was to be enjoyed. The three level townhouses have the Master bedroom on the top level with access by lift. These bedrooms have balconies to enjoy the elevated views and natural light and ventilation. The third floor was possible through careful design and consideration to solar access for the adjoining neighboring block, which resulted in the articulated roof form.

The design of the buildings was to address both streets and create two faces to the building. We also created each townhouse to have its own individuality and stret prescence.

We believe the end result has created homes for people who have down sized and lived in the suburbs all their lives. We believe this building will stand the test of time.